A couple months ago, I was asked to be part of a jury for parent-artist applicants to Elsewhere Studios, the artistic residency my family and I attended last summer. The applications arrived earlier this month, and I have been having a great time reading them. Because my specialty is writing, I have received ten applications…Continue reading Jury duty, the fun kind
Tag: submitting
I have an agent!
I am so excited to announce that I just signed with literary agent Elizabeth Bewley of Sterling Lord Literistic! Elizabeth has 15 years of experience as a book editor at publishers such as HarperCollins, Intervisual Books, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers. She has been an agent at…Continue reading I have an agent!
Poem to be published!
I just found out that my poem, “The Muse,” will be published in the June 2019 issue of Bloodbond, a journal dedicated to fiction, poetry, and art “related to vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters.” Cool, right? Bloodbond is published by Alban Lake, a small, independent press that publishes an astonishing number of speculative lit journals, anthologies, and…Continue reading Poem to be published!
Three poems forthcoming in Illumen!
Great news! Three of my poems, “The Threshold Machine,” “The River Beckons,” and “To My Daughter,” will be published in the Autumn 2018 issue of Illumen magazine! Illumen is a print journal of speculative poetry, which publisher Alban Lake defines as “the application of imagination to reality.” Comprising science fiction, fantasy, folklore, myth, surrealism, horror,…Continue reading Three poems forthcoming in Illumen!
JambaLAya Kidlit Conference 2018
For the second year in a row, the Louisiana/Mississippi chapter of SCBWI knocked it outta the park! This is one of the best kidlit conferences I’ve attended, and I’ve been to a few. I tend to prefer regional conferences for the intimacy and depth of focus, not to mention the community building, and this one delivered.…Continue reading JambaLAya Kidlit Conference 2018
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