I recently discovered the term “bird launching” to describe when almost-grown kids start to leave home (and not a hunting-dog training device, yeesh). So much lovelier than “empty nest” don’t you think? My nest is not empty yet, but my nestlings are spreading their wings. My eldest started college last year and enjoyed himself so…Continue reading Bird launching
Category: Beyond the page
The losing team
The college women’s basketball playoffs were incredible this past week. I am not usually much of a sports fan but local enthusiasm for LSU’s team in the Final Four was contagious. The players’ athleticism and teamwork bordered on the magical, and I loved their stylistic expressions on and off the court. My sports-minded family and…Continue reading The losing team
Happy Halloween
I love Halloween and all things creepy and weird. The main character in the book I’m working on now adores horror movies, which raises the question: why? According to Psychology Today, “When we get scared, we experience a rush of adrenaline and a release of endorphins and dopamine. The biochemical rush can result in a pleasure-filled,…Continue reading Happy Halloween
Summer school
Typing away at my desk can sometimes feel like creating in a bubble, so when a couple of writing courses crossed my inbox, I decided to go for it. So far, I am exploring new skill sets and meeting new writing friends, so I feel like I’m off to a good start. The WOW! Women…Continue reading Summer school
Celebrating spring, writerly style
It took a while, but I finished a draft of a novel! Woot! While it rests–and I gather courage to show it to readers–I am taking advantage of book and literary festivals happening here in New Orleans. Because all writing and no reading makes for a dull me! I recently enjoyed the New Orleans Book…Continue reading Celebrating spring, writerly style