Monsters, witches, and ghosts

It’s no secret that I love Halloween. All things spooky and weird that go bump in the night are totally in my wheelhouse. At the same time, I’m picky. I prefer well-crafted creepshows with a bit of heart and/or humor (bonus points for both). So in honor of my favorite holiday, here’s a roundup of…Continue reading Monsters, witches, and ghosts

YA book gift ideas

A school librarian friend was looking for book recommendations for middle-school kids, so I thought I might share some of the YA titles that I liked this year here, too. For the most part, my tastes run to mystery and fantasy/horror, so these might skew a little on the dark/strange/older side. Give them a looksee…Continue reading YA book gift ideas

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween and all things creepy and weird. The main character in the book I’m working on now adores horror movies, which raises the question: why? According to Psychology Today, “When we get scared, we experience a rush of adrenaline and a release of endorphins and dopamine. The biochemical rush can result in a pleasure-filled,…Continue reading Happy Halloween

Summer school

Typing away at my desk can sometimes feel like creating in a bubble, so when a couple of writing courses crossed my inbox, I decided to go for it. So far, I am exploring new skill sets and meeting new writing friends, so I feel like I’m off to a good start. The WOW! Women…Continue reading Summer school

My favorite books of 2022

For the past seven years, I’ve kept track of every book I read on Goodreads, a handy tool to keep track of authors and series that I’ve enjoyed so I can remember to grab the next installment. (It’s also where I park my enormous To Be Read list.) And of course there’s the stats: the…Continue reading My favorite books of 2022