Book review: Sisters of the Revolution

Sometimes I forget how fulfilling it can be to read explicitly feminist writing. So I have been enjoying the heck out of Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology edited by Ann and Jeff Vandermeer. Speculative fiction is a catch-all phrase for science fiction, fantasy, and other harder-to-classify writing with a fabulist “what-if” slant.…Continue reading Book review: Sisters of the Revolution

My poems in Stinkwaves Magazine!

I’m happy to announce two of my poems for kids are available in the Spring 2017 issue of Stinkwaves Magazine! I was really excited to find a YA magazine devoted to speculative fiction, poetry, and art. They’re also engaged in building a community of writers and artists, including young and up-and-coming creators, through the magazine…Continue reading My poems in Stinkwaves Magazine!

Book review: Hoodoo

What’s worse than being six years old and too sick for trick-or-treating on Halloween? Not much. My youngest is home with a fever today, and between Dan TDM videos (Minecraft fans know what I’m talking about), we’re reading spooky books. Ronald L. Smith’s Hoodoo is a little intense for a six-year-old; I’d say it’s geared…Continue reading Book review: Hoodoo

Book review: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

It’s been a while since I’ve read a book for adults, and Haruki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle had me rubbing my eyes. Some things you can’t unsee.

Speculative Literature Foundation

Crossing fingers! I just submitted a travel proposal to the Speculative Literature Foundation, which supports writers and publishers of sci-fi, fantasy, slipstream, magical realism, and so on…any lit that has a fabulist element. Fabulous! I’m hoping to win their Gulliver Travel Grant, which would allow me to travel to Mexico City to research my next…Continue reading Speculative Literature Foundation