Multicultural Children’s Book Day is coming!

What a great opportunity! For Multicultural Children’s Book Day on January 27, 2017, the nonprofit is offering free books to reviewers! What a fun way to encourage diversity in children’s literature. I signed up and can’t wait for my book. Watch my blog on January 27 for my review!

Socially conscious kidlit

A recent New Yorker piece got me thinking about how we define “good” kidlit. Using Goosebumps books as an example, the New Yorker author questions whether financial success, awards, psychological value, or popularity makes a book “good”–by which he means lasting, rereadable, culture-changing “literature.” I found his discussion of “socially conscious” children’s books particularly interesting. There seems…Continue reading Socially conscious kidlit

Book review: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

It’s been a while since I’ve read a book for adults, and Haruki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle had me rubbing my eyes. Some things you can’t unsee.

Submission considerations

It took dealing with lots of submissions as an editor for me to wake up. When I’m reading subs for Literary Mama, I have to consider many factors: Does the poem move me, is it well-crafted, does it fit the journal’s mission and style? And of course, where can I fit it, and do we…Continue reading Submission considerations

Beyond “write what you know”

Every once in a while, I come across something offensive. I don’t, generally, offend easily. Mostly because I tend to avoid that which I know is going to be problematic. (Ahem, politics.) But as an editor, and a reviewer, I don’t get to filter before I read. I am the filter. And that’s a strange…Continue reading Beyond “write what you know”