Shoutout to librarians!

April whizzed by! Between oral surgery (bleh) and the kids’ spring break (whee?) I got a lot of reading (and some writing) done. My younger son & I visited the main branch of the New Orleans Public Library, and the kids’ room librarian was so excited to offer us books based on what we were…Continue reading Shoutout to librarians!

Conference time

It’s here! JambaLAya Kidlit Conference 2019, right here in New Orleans. Our regional branch of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI LA/MS) hosts this annual three-day conference, full of Master Classes, keynote speakers, written and in-person critiques, breakout sessions, casual meet-ups, dinners, and even a breakfast session for published authors & illustrators.…Continue reading Conference time

Summertime writing

Lazy days of summer? Bah! I’m writing, and I’m taking the coolest writing workshop. Every Tuesday night, a few other speculative fiction writers and I meet at Tubby and Coo’s bookstore to talk about Building Better Worlds. Check out the description of the workshop below…doesn’t it sound amazing? Not to mention getting to know other…Continue reading Summertime writing

Hello, spring!

I know most of the country is still getting blasted by winter, but here in New Orleans, spring is awakening. (It’ll be summer in about 24 hours, so enjoying it while it lasts!)