Bright spot

Look at what arrived on my porch today! Kat Pigott is a fellow member of SCBWI here in Louisiana, and last fall she showed me proofs of her new picture book. I thought it was so cute and charming. The finished product with Tami Curtis’s beautifully expressive illustrations is even more magical! My thanks to…Continue reading Bright spot

Attitude of gratitude

This November, I am so grateful for my expanding writing community. Sitting (or standing) at my desk with the people I make up in my head delights me, but so does engaging with real people who are also exploring the ups and downs of the writing life. Not always easy for someone who would probably…Continue reading Attitude of gratitude

Spooooky books for kids

I LOVE Halloween! I’ve been reading spooky books all month (oh who am I kidding I read them all year) and I have a couple to recommend, organized by age group. Middle Grade: Small Spaces by Katherine Arden I may never see a scarecrow the same way again. Terrifically creepy with gorgeous writing, tangible settings,…Continue reading Spooooky books for kids

Big Chill 2019

It’s October already? Here in New Orleans, it still feels like August, temps in the 90s with 70-90% humidity. Good weather for staying inside, reading and writing. I did get away to Percy Quin State Park for a personal weekend writing retreat, where the mornings were in the 70s and the sunsets were glorious. Over…Continue reading Big Chill 2019

Book review: Strange the Dreamer and Muse of Nightmares

I have a new favorite author. Laini Taylor writes YA fantasy novels of unexpected magic, detailed characterization, romance, and adventure. Strange the Dreamer and its sequel, Muse of Nightmares, are her most recent, and I am hooked. If you like soaring, imaginative epics grounded in realistic, complex emotion, you will be too. In Strange the…Continue reading Book review: Strange the Dreamer and Muse of Nightmares