Finished a draft of a novel recently, but my agent and I decided that it’s not quite ready for show. I’m not ready to dive back in yet, but I’m not sure which project to tackle next. So I’m going to spend a little time letting my creative energies recuperate. But what to do in the meantime?
- Yoga. My favorite YouTube yoga channel, Yoga with Adriene, offers free. uplifting, easy-to-follow videos, including a 30-day yoga journey each January. This year, I kept up with the daily practice until I caught a bad cold and spent a few days on the couch. Ah well. I’ll get back to it once I finish binging Good Girls.
2. Read. In addition to novels, last month I enjoyed reading and critiquing the work of 8 friends and colleagues, as well as evaluating 10 applications for a residency at Elsewhere Studios. It’s cool to see what other folks are working on and to have the opportunity to provide feedback. Next month, it’ll be my turn!
3. Projects around the house. I did a couple of puttering-around things I had been putting off for months, but recovering my great-aunt Dolores’s midcentury chair is still on my list. I finished the other one a couple years ago and realized why refinishers charge so much…
Before… …and after
4. Family. Last but definitely not least, my family is my anchor, whether I’m actively writing or not. My younger son likes to cook and bake, so we’ve been dusting off recipes while it’s cool enough to use the oven (or stir a gumbo). My older son has lots of school-related activities, so I’m carting him here and there and celebrating his successes, including meeting Drew Brees (!!) and having his short story published in an anthology. Meanwhile, my husband has perfected cheesy popcorn, and we’re working our way through all four Hunger Games movies.
It’s good to take breaks and “fill your cup.” Writing requires rest and time to let the imagination wander. Then…

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